Saturday 5 January 2013

(First blog post) Nail trends for 2013?

So here it is... 'A' nail blogs first blog post! (yay)
The new year, always bring new trends whether it be with fashion or accessorize. This year (in 2013) I am mostly excited for the new trends for nails. 2012 was a great year for people, who love nail polish (me)!
In 2012 the best trend for me were, shatter nails, magnetic nails, glitter nails (everyone's favourite), nail art in general and finally metallic nail polish. These will without a doubt be making an appearance in 2013 but one trend that wasn't introduced in 2012 (which I am so excited to try) is nails inc's new 'leather and skull'. Leather has been a MASSIVE trend recently in fashion and now you can get the leather look with nails? *jumps with excitement*
Alexa Chung has been spotted wearing these nails, and it has been reported that there has been a crazy demand for these as they have been launched in the US already! I definitely cant wait for these, they have been estimated to range around £19 in the UK... which is pricey compared to other high street brands, but hopefully they are worth it!
Check out the leather and skulls for nails inc

Let me know if anyone has tried these yet and what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just found your blog! I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! Check it out here! Happy blogging!
